I Love You Colonel Sanders: A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator
It’s an advertisement that is aware that its an advertisement, and has fun with it.
Licensed games that are based on Fast-Food franchises are nothing new, they’ve been around since the 90s, and still, kind of go on to this day. Of course, its no secret those games were made for marketing, so once your done playing your advertisement, you can go out and eat what was advertised to you. Though unlike most games where you are going on a platforming adventure with Ronald McDonald, shoving food in people’s faces dressed as the Burger King, or go-karting with the cast of the M&Ms! In this game you are… Trying to seduce the colonel… Licensed games that are based on Fast-Food franchises are nothing new, they’ve been around since the 90s, and still, kind of go on to this day. Of course, its no secret those games were made for marketing, so once your done playing your advertisement, you can go out and eat what was advertised to you. Though unlike most games where you are going on a platforming adventure with Ronald McDonald, shoving food in people’s faces dressed as the Burger King, or go-karting with the cast of the M&Ms! In this game you are… Trying to seduce the colonel…
Yes, this is an official KFC video game, KFC is the publisher, and was developed by Psyop. Not too familiar with them, and checking their Steam page only shows two other games, but looking at their site they have done a lot of advertising work for various companies. Very appropriate since this game is in itself an advertisement. Regardless… It’s actually kind of enjoyable.
Its got everything a dating sim needs: A colorful cast of characters, a gripping plot, and a love interest. The main premise is that you are a young chef in training at a culinary school with a semester that only lasts three days (If only going to school were that short). The cast of characters includes the awkward best friend, the rival girl who thinks she is the best in the class, a muscular guy with a star-shaped pompadour (who might be Jojo reference), a Corgi… who is actually the teacher, and three other characters that aren’t really important. Lastly, of course, there is Colonel Sanders, the dreamboat himself, the one man that you just go head over heels for. You are so infatuated by him that he is all you can think about… You want to be with the Colonel, eating his bucket of chicken on horseback, as the two of you ride into the sunset, while you stroke his goatee… Eh… wait, where am I getting at?
It’s a very tongue in cheek game, there isn’t a complex plot or multiple branching paths, just a simple straight forward story with very little deviation, but always returns to the main story. There are some choices that can lead to a game over, but you’ll be brought back to the same point before making that choice. The art is also very nice, especially since this an advertisement game where even the quality can vary from decent to cheap. If you are interested in giving it a try, then you can go ahead and pick it up for free on Steam, and you can finish it in about 90 minutes, maybe more if you want to get the true ending (which probably won’t take that long as long as you know the dialogue choices). I personally enjoyed it, despite it being an advertisement, but its an advertisement that is aware that it’s an advertisement and at least has fun with it. Who knows, maybe this game will get you to go out and buy some KFC… Admittedly the chicken does look pretty good.