Well here’s a first, a game that isn’t on Steam.
A City Builder / Factory hybrid Factory Town is complex with a charming artstyle opting to go for Magic instead of Sci Fi tech in the end game. If you like Factory Sims get it.
Explore the entire world (much of it in surreal 3D that reminds me a bit of an N64 game). Sit on the edge of the grand canyon, fly over your old neighborhood or stand in the center of the Colosseum.
A relaxing flow of exploration and discovery, charmingly presented. Rotate objects to discover what hides in the silhouette.
What it lacks in polish and visual splendor it makes up for in purity of gameplay. Once I got past the initial frustration I found myself coming back again and again to hone my skill.
It’s slow, almost painfully at times, but the relaxed pace and cute art style make it almost therapeutic to play like other games in the genre. The world is beautiful and the combat is alright too.
The Runner series has always been a pleasure of mine. The satisfaction of getting all the pick ups in a level without dying to make a symphony of sound. It’s an experience that very few do.
It’s a free Battle Royale with fun movement mechanics. There’s a lot of these but this one is well worth checking out if even for only a few hours.